Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor

About Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Niteen Patil has taken over the charge of Vice-Chancellor of Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University on 10th August 2023. He is adjudged as world’s significant Camel researcher—one amongst 20 world scientists and led to NRC Camel to be 4th best Institute working on camel research. He is a graduate of Nagpur Veterinary College and did his master’s from PGI, Akola and doctorate in Animal Nutrition from National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal. He has more than 35 years of experience and started his professional career from Gadchiroli as Livestock Development Officer in 1985 and then in Academics from 1986 to 2000 at SK Nagar and Navsari under Gujarat Agricultural University. Since 2000 he joined ICAR and worked as In-charge Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Nabha, Patiala for 5 years; Head and acting Director Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur during 2005- 2010. For 8 years during 2010-18 he was Director of National Research Centre on Camel, Director; Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut 2019-2020. From March 2020 he worked as Head, Division of LPRM, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur till assuming the charge of Vice-Chancellor at MAFSU.
He has specialization on feed technology and feeding system for cattle, buffaloes,sheep, goats, camel, equines, poultry and fishes. Also metagenomics for industrial applications and silvi-horti-agri pasture system.
He has attended 3 International and 8 National trainings, 36 conferences/seminar/symposium/International conferences and also organized 48 trainings for farmers and stakeholders. He has organized 5 Scientific Conferences and Workshop.
He has implemented more than 36 R&D projects worth Rs. 13.51 crores funded by National and International agencies such as ICAT, ICARDA, SUMAMAD, DBT, NRRA, Ministry of water resources etc. He has wide exposure on International bodies and International projects.
He has guided 4 Ph.D. research Scholars. He has published 140 research papers in National and International journals of high repute; presented 197 papers/Lead/Key note address during conferences; 120 popular articles, 51 books and technical reports; more than 110 TVAIR program and 18 gene sequences. Developed R&D infrastructure at GAU, CIRB, CAZRI, NRCC, CIRC.
He has three patents at his credits, 12 submitted and 11 technologies; Two Trademarks registered for “Frieswal” and All India Radio Program “Unta Ri Batan”; commercialized 03 technologies of CIRC – COWCAM, BLAD, PROCURE, Camel milk products—Ice-cream, Kulfi, Falvored milk, Fermented Lassi, Whey, Tea, Coffee, CM Powder, Nuggets, Kheer, Sugar free Lassi, Ice cream, Kulfi.
He has signed MoUs with more than 45 Institutes of CSIR, ICMR, SAUs, SVUs, Universities, BARC, IITs, BITS, IISc and AIIMS; 12 international Institutes – Italy, France, ICARDA, IFAD, Canada, SUMAMAD countries for research & academics. He is actively involved in more than 20 professional bodies as member/ President/Vice president.
He has an excellent academic career and got Merit scholarships and Best Doctoral Thesis award – 1993-95. He has been bestowed with several awards and recognitions from various organizations such as Conferred Fellowships from National Academy of Dairy Science (India) during 2014; Fellow of National Academy of Veterinary Science- India during 2018; Fellow of Animal Nutrition Society of India during 2018; Fellow of Animal Nutrition Association during 2021 and Fellow of 03 other Societies/Associations. He obtained recognition for Camel Milk from – Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) approval for trade and use as human food —2016- Gazette Notification F.No.A-1(1)/ Standards/MMP/2012(Part-I) obtained in Nov, 2016 and revised on June 1, 2017. He has received Best Paper Presentations Awards on 12 occasion at National and International Conferences; 05 Product Awards; 04 Extension Awards at his credits.
He has incredible administrative capabilities and leading from the front – ICARNRCC got ISO 9001-2008 certification in 015, ICAR-CIRC ISO certification upto 2020; Best Institute award by ZEE TV—2016 and All India Students Association -2018; Hindi Rajbhasha award –2010 to 2018 for all 9 years; Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi ICAR award —1, Hindi Magazine award-1 by Nagar Rajbhasha Samiti. As a Director he has deputed 24 Scientists for International Trainings, 12 researchers and students outside country. Three Scientists to Republic of Iran for training of researchers and also regular training of students from Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Italy, Canada, Saudi Arab. Also leadership capabilities and Led NRCC Badminton Team as winner-17 times and more than 38 awards for individual and team events and employee represented INDIA in 2 international events of athletic sports meets.
Dr. Niteen V. Patil